Sunday 13 May 2012

Offbit suggestions to save nature: Part 2

In last post I discussed about preventing deforestation and providing habitat by sustainable development. Another very important ways to save nature is the proper use of fossil fuels. Actually people do not think about it. They are only worried about the rise in the price of petrol. But they are not at all concerned about the pollution caused by fossil fuels. They do not know that fossil fuels are very important source of energy and all are non-renewable. So all this will come to an end. Very soon there will be no petrol in this world. What will happen then ? But solution is there and again common people have very less knowledge about that. Bio-fuel is the ans of this question. Now the question is "what is Bio-fuel ?" A Bio-fuel is a type of fuel whose energy is derived from biological carbon fixation. In simple an oil derived from plant sources. This is an wonderful substitute of petrol. Bio-fuel can reduce the pollution level to high extent. Already it has become possible to run motor vehicles on bio-fuel. Though it has not been marketed. Now the question is why ? It is Eco-friendly and even the price is also less than petrol. Then ? I don't have proper ans,but there has some political reasons I guess. For introducing bio-fuels engines are needed to get modified. A lot of things have to be changed accordingly and some big companies may face a little loss. These all we have to keep in mind.

But still I feel Bio-fuel should be introduced for the sake of nature. Fossil fuels should be preserved for greater purpose. I feel the habit of common people is also needed to change. Instead of bike, we should use bicycle wherever it is possible. It will keep you fit,save your pocket and you will have less chance of accident. It is better if we use public transport or office pools rather than using private four wheelers. It will help us only by creating less traffic problems. Again the ball is in our court. What kind of earth we will gift to our next generations ? Ans is depending on us. Think and act accordingly.

Friday 11 May 2012

Offbit suggestions to save nature: Part 1

I feel this posts are very important for the young generation. I am not telling that they have to take my suggestions,but I want them to think about it seriously and in a different way.

We all know that we have to save nature. To save nature we must plant trees. Not only that we have to retain the remaining trees. Now the question is how is it possible ? Everyday population is rising. We have to provide house for them. How is this possible without cutting trees ? My suggestion is start sharing your house with new families if you have enough empty space in your house. There has no other option. It will help you economically also. May be this is sounding ridiculous,but I can see a different future. Sooner or later a time will come when their will be no private houses. All private houses will be converted to multistory buildings and instead of one family several families will be there. This is not future,this we are observing now only. So I feel from now only cutting trees should be prohibited. This is quite tough actually. With the present corrupted system it may look quite impossible. But somehow we have to stop cutting trees and also we have to provide space for new families. Rather than suggestion, I feel this has become a question. May be you will come up with a better option of sustainable development. Because we need all of us to think for our better future only. Either we will have a green touch in our life or it will become all grey. Choice is ours.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

A Nation without Woman : Darkness coming around

Starting of life in mother's womb is a unique phenomena in nature. A sperm and an ovum fuse together and form a zygote. From that single cell a whole organism is formed. That organism can be a male or female which is completely the decision of nature. No other creature in this earth is worried about the sex of their child, except human beings. 

In India, specially in the northern and north-western part people are too conscious about the gender of their child. A large section of people have a craze towards having a male child and for that they are ready to do anything. As a result now Punjab has 798 girls, Haryana 819, Delhi 868 and Gujarat 883 per 1000 boys. Is not it shocking ? From official record it has estimated that in India everyday 7000 female foeticides has taken place. Shocking statistics reveal that as many as 10 million girls in India have been killed by their parents either before or immediately after birth over the past 20 years. Earlier it was thought that poor,illiterate people practice this inhuman act, but survey has revealed that the fact is completely different. Rich and so called well educated people also practice this. And another shocking fact is people can't do this alone. Some Doctor for the greed of money help them in this crime! Sometimes the mother of the child is not even informed before killing her child !

India has so many Goddess. People worship them for prosperity and growth. But they pray for a boy to them and if a girl comes without thinking they kill her. They forget that they have come from mother's womb only. Many times mothers are getting tortured for conceiving a girl child. If this practice continue very soon this nation will come to an end. Not because of poverty or any other reason but because of the fight between unmarried males for having a female partner. And the situation of women will get worse as they will be treated as nothing but a sex object. 

Do you really want to see this future ? Think and act according to....